Saturday, October 9, 2010

welcome to this world my cute little new nephew Devan Scott Swenson! I can't wait to see you in a couple hours!
and congrats to Chelsea and Matt

p.s. he was born yesterday 10/8/10

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

This is the river in Folsom. I seriously think it's the prettiest area around here!'s where the Sacramento temple is :)


Kinlee is my cute little model. She loves modeling for me and asks for pay :)

QUIZ: (from the Robinson Ladies blog)

1- Why were you given your particular
name? Not sure, but my middle name is Grandma Robinson's middle name

2- How many brothers and sisters do you have? 6 brothers, 2 sisters, 1 sis-in-law, 1 bro-in-law

3- What is your favorite thing to do? number one is hang out with people, i like fun day trips like six flags and tahoe and stuff. hmm..taking pictures, and working on random projects..yep..sounds boring but i really do like it

4- What is your favorite food? ah.. not sure what its called but chicken and rice that mom makes, green been casserole, chicken haystacks, mr pickles, costa vida, lincoln chinese, maguro sushi in folsom, seriously...and sadly.. the list goes wayyy on.

5- What is your favorite book? okay...hard to say because I don't read A TON, but I hate to say it...but the last books i really enjoyed were the twilight series. But in my defense- I read them before they got crazy popular, and it's just kind of hard to admit I like them now beause it's almost annoying. I'm reading the hunger games right now and they're pretty good also.

6- What is your favorite candy bar? Rolo's or reeses

7- What is your favorite cookie? chocolate chip--with ice cream on top like a pazookie:)

8- What is your favorite sport? soccer or basketball. I played both growing up but just on rec leagues which I love because I'm not too amazing so it was perfect playing on less competative leagues.

9- What is your favorite kind of music? rap for sure. and to the world: "rap" is not bad. Ya, there is a LOT of bad rap out there--but I hear just as bad of rock or even country songs. So please don't generalize it as being bad. haha

10- What is your favorite song? Really hard question. I'd probably narrow it down to my top 100 favorite songs..which I'm not going to figure out.

11- What do you want to be when you grow up? Ah, still deciding. So hard.. Yep, I'll give the typical church-y answer: a mom. But it is true. I for sure am going to get a degree in something to always have it there. I hope to maybe have a side career that I can do from home...haven't decided just yet though. Cut me some slack I'm only in my freshman year of college.

12- How many kids do you want when you get married? hmm.. maybe 5 or 6.

13- How many temples have you been through and What is your favorite temple? 2..Oakland and Sacramento... my favorite is San Diego because it's by far the prettiest but I want to get married in the Sac one because it's like "mine" I guess..

14- What place you would like to know more about? Cuba

15- What place would you like to visit? Grand Cayman again!!

16- What is your favorite thing about your mom? VVV

17- What is your favorite thing about your dad? I'm going to combine these last two questions because I think they have the same qualities I love because so much of their parenting is done equally and together. I have never heard my parents yell at each other and that's a huge thing to me because I want that in my future house. Also one thing I always have loved is instead of getting on us about what we're doing wrong, they've always praised us for what we're doing right... and how much they appreciate us, etc. I think this has always made me want to do whats right because I'm wanting to live up to the person they set me as, other then the other way around.

18- What is your favorite thing about yourself? dang..hard question... really hard. hmm.. ok fine I thought of one. I think growing up and kinda just all through out school and high school, I never really wanted to be anyone but me. To explain that, of course I wanted to be prettier, or better at something or however you say that, but I never had the huge strong need to be popular. Ya, I had my best friends and class friends, and acquaintences, but I never had the desire to be part of a different crowd or someone I wasn't. To be honest, I think this saved me from maybe getting into trouble in high school.

20- Do you like to dance? Ya, but I totally wish I knew how to dance I think it'd be sweet.

21- Do you like to play a musical instrument? Semi-piano

22- What musical instruments can you play? "

23- What is your favorite type of art? I've always wanted to be a photographer since I was a little kid but I'm embarrassed to tell people because I'm not too good. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

fall ♥

I love this weather because:
1. i get to wear my wonderful Uggs again. ahh
2. bishops pumpkin farm is a whole lot funner when it's kinda cold!
3. i get to move into a fresh new wardrobe (ok....not exactly fresh...just not worn since last year)
4. I can actually sleep in peace and not wake up all hot like when mom and dad don't let me turn on the AC at night in the summer!!
5. Snowboarding is coming soon....

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Once again....

Once again starting a new blog. This is one of six blogs I either have, or am a part of. Ridiculous much? Yet I can't seem to just stick with one.... I have my original blog that I started when I was probably 13(so basically too embarrassing to ever show ANYONE), my pictures blog, my journal blog, and I'm apart of a private blog with some friends and a part of Robinson girls blog. So this blog is......hmm.. just going to be my basic blog just hopefully less embarrassing than my old one from when I was 13. So, here it goes!