Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I saw this picture and kinda laughed. I feel like this is what my life is right now... along with maybe every person my age. fresh/soph year of college... We get these questions just about everywhere we go. What school are you going to? What are you majoring in? What are you minoring in? What do you want to do for a career? Where do you work? When do you plan on getting married? You don't have EVERY detail of your future planned yet?! You're 18 for crying out loud!! I feel like it kinda hits you like a rock. Throughout middle school and high school, it's always known as "the future". You don't realize that you're actually living in that "future" now. Boom... good luck!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I haven't had a post in a while, so I thought I'd add a picture or two so I don't lose my blog followers...aka just my Robinson ladies :) haha

So Brendi, Aisley and I were planning a trip to Idaho this weekend to check out apartments, the town, etc. One of my best friend's Kate was going to come along, and maybe another person. Anyways due to car problems, our plans fell through. Anyways so this Thursday we still wanted to do something so Brendi, Chelsea, Devan, and I went to ....drum roll.. Yuba City! woo! haha we just went shopping so it turned out to be a pretty successful shopping day at least for me :)

Thennn.. on Friday, Kate and I decided since we both had work off for the weekend, that we wanted to get a trip going! So we got a group together and went down to San Francisco for the day. It ended up being a really fun group and was way fun!

The whole group! from left to right, Trevor, Dan, Kate, Kyle, Ben, Tanner, Chris, me and Maddie. It was a hecka fun group!
Dan and me!