Monday, December 13, 2010

let it be known.

So after having my childhood and lifelong dream of becoming a dolphin trainer crushed by researching the pay, and the fact that I need a 4 year degree to get a minimum wage job... this is next in line. I would absolutely LOVE to do this. This guy is amazing. I took 2 years of ROP digital video production in high school and absolutely loved it. I always wanted to do something in video...but hollywood isn't exactly at the top of my list. Anyways this would be perfect. I love filming and editing projects like this and this way I could still be at home 99% of the time with my kids. Also, if I get good enough.. the pay is awesome. Anyways I saw this link somewhere and fell in love with this guys work (although a bit cheesy at times haha) so I am now re-inspired and am definately going to look into majoring in video production.

(click on the link)

Ryan Southwell Films

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