Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

So I'd have to say this was one of the best Christmas's I've had. The downside- I missed having Brendi and her familia with us...but we had Matt, Chelsea and Devan this year! Also for some reason this year I just totally missed having Christmas with the Valentines. We definately need to do Sundance or something like that again once boys are off their missions and everyone is home, etc. Just the other day I was working and I was organizing a shelf -cluttered beyond belief- and in my head, I was like "happy Christmas Adam" to myself. It was Dec 23, remembering the joke we always had with the Valentines. (Christmas Eve, Christmas Adam... ya cheesy we were young haha) Anyways I had a flashback of us in the basement at the Valentines saying that to each other thinking we were so clever and then I was like "okay....back then, we would be sledding or skiing or running around the house at the Valentines and here I am working on CHRISTMAS ADAM!! What is this?!" (I know, I know, how am I ever going to have a steady job?) Anyways point of this long tangent- Valentines I miss you and we need to do Christmas again! No matter how hectic, how crazy and how LARGE of a group that would be... I don't care!

So onto how Christmas this year went. For some reason this is the first year that I didn't even really get excited about getting presents, but I mostly got excited about the giving. (I know I'm such a sweet little angel huh??) haha Anyways it was probably because I actually had money this year but I just got really into it. One of the fun things is I actually made a lot of presents this year which was also fun. I'm probably inspired from Brendi ( with the help of woodworker hubby) who makes all her decorations, and everything! Anyways I made Devan a little U-shaped baby pillow thing. I bought the fabric and it took like 10 minutes to sew! I'm no semestress but Devan fell asleep in it (which they say is incredibly rare because he needs to be held to fall asleep) and also can kind of sit up in it even though he's only 2 months old. Anyways that was pretty cool. I made a few other things for friends and stuff. The last thing I was kind of excited about is we (court, sean, Jake, Kaisa and me) all pitched in for a present for my parents. We got my dad a GPS but for my mom we got her a big canves picture of the picture of my family in Grand Cayman. That was probably the present I was most excited about.

As for me, I got a bunch of stuff for college. Mostly stuff for the cold that I will be suffering through in Idaho haha. A little shout out to Mom and Dad, Chelsea, Kelsey, Kate, G&G Robinson, G&G Swenson, and Great Grandpa Carey - thank you so much for the gifts and cards! I loved every single one of them and also every single one will be put to use :). Anyways I'd say it turned out to be a pretty great Christmas.

I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas!!!

p.s. If my blog ever seems boring, dragged out, or full of pointless stories, it's because this is semi like a scrapbook to me... well one I will be printing out every year ( yes, Brendi I am copying you... just like I have been doing in every other aspect since I was a kid haha jk) but anyways its a great idea and I think it gives more meaning to my blog for me.

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